
Should We Make Our Kids Say Sorry? - SavvyMom

Should We Make Our Kids Say Sorry?

If we make our kids say sorry ‘in the moment,’ we are not teaching, we are forcing them and potentially entering a power-struggle.

Why Did She Stay? Why Did I Stay? SavvyMom

Why Did She Stay? Why Did I Stay?

I thought I was strong. I thought I was smart. I know people are wondering why did she stay in an abusive marriage for over 20 years?

Why Is My Husband Always in a Bad Mood? - SavvyMom

Why Is My Husband Always in a Bad Mood?

I put a name to the phenomenon of my husband always being in a bad mood. I call this “haunting the house.” It is usually an expression of passive aggressive control.

Dads who do chores raise daughters who earn more - SavvyMom

Dads Who Do Chores Raise Daughters Who Earn More

A new study reveals that dads who do chores raise daughters who pursue more challenging and lucrative careers. So, pick up your socks, dads (literally).

Writing a Thoughtful Thank You Note to Teachers - SavvyMom

How to Write a Thoughtful Thank You Note to Teachers

To accompany your gift and really touch their hearts, enclose a handwritten thank you note for teacher. Here are a few things to remember when helping your little one write their note.

How to Stop Sibling Fights Before They Start - SavvyMom

How to Stop Sibling Fights Before They Happen

Too much togetherness can be problematic. Dreading the summer months? Stop sibling fights before they happen this summer. Here’s how.

5 Habits of Successful Working Moms - SavvyMom

The 5 Habits of Successful Working Moms

Working and momming can both be trying. So how do the most successful moms do it? Here are the 5 habits of successful working moms.

How to handle toddler tantrums - SavvyMom

How to Handle Toddler Tantrums

Is it the terrible twos, or something more? What’s the best way of handling toddler tantrums?

FAQs for Kids Allowance - SavvyMom

Kids Allowance Questions: How Much and When?

Parenting expert Alyson Schafer shares her three top questions regarding kids allowance and offers answers that make sense — or cents!