Mom 101

What to do when your kid hates school - SavvyMom

What to Do When Your Kid Hates School

How do we unravel the knot that parks itself in our stomach in mid-August and stays there all year? What do you do if your kid hates school?

I Didn't Plan on Having an Only Child - SavvyMom

I Didn’t Plan on Having an Only Child

I never sought out to have an only child. I don’t know if anyone does. But at some point, it became my choice to be one and done.

What to Do if Your Child Is Caught Cheating at School - SavvyMom

5 Things to Do (or Not Do) When Your Kid Is Caught Cheating at School

My middle-schooler was caught cheating at school. These dos and don’ts will help turn an instance of cheating into a teachable moment, not a catastrophe.

I'm the Mother of "That" Kid - SavvyMom

I’m the Mother of “That” Kid

It’s hard to have that kid. It’s even harder to be that kid.

Why we say "I love you to the moon and back" - SavvyMom

Why We Say ‘I Love You to the Moon and Back’

Every night, thousands of parents turn the lights off and say, ‘I love you to the moon and back.’ It’s lovely. But, where did it come from? Who invented that phrase?

Hey Moms: Stop Apologizing for Being Tired - SavvyMom

Attention Moms: Stop Apologizing for Being Tired

Hey moms: I know you’re tired. I see it in your eyes. I got it. I know how you feel. You’re exhausted. Stop apologizing.

When You Can't Afford Extracurricular Activities - SavvyMom

Accepting Financial Limitations When You Can’t Afford Extracurricular Activities

When you can’t afford extracurricular activities, it dredges up all kinds of feelings towards financial limitations.

Best age for getting kids to do chores - SavvyMom

Mother’s Little Helper… Getting Kids to Do Chores

Getting started getting kids to do chores by age 2 or 3 has more benefits than getting started when they’re teens. Here’s why and how…

5 Back to School Traditions - SavvyMom

5 Sweet First Day of School Traditions to Start with Your Family

Say goodbye to summer and hello to a new school year with these 5 heart-warming back to school traditions.