Alison August


Alison August lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba with her husband and two children, Juliette and Miles. After a successful career in public relations, she left her nine to five to explore writing and blogging while also lending a hand at the family business her husband started five years ago. When she's not bustling kids from soccer to gymnastics, Alison enjoys running, resting and snacking.

Why Kids Don't Listen - SavvyMom

Why Kids Don’t Listen: It Might Be Your Fault (But It Might Not)

By Alison August / January 13, 2022

Raise your hand if your kids don’t listen and you feel exasperated by a sass-talking kid at least once a day. The problem is, nagging them doesn’t work.

Mom friends

5 Reasons to Prioritize Girlfriend Time When You’re a Mom

By Alison August / May 1, 2019

There’s almost nothing that compares to how good it feels when we spend some time with our ladies.

4 year old won't poop on potty

My Four-Year-Old Won’t Poop on the Potty

By Alison August / April 23, 2019

My mom brain starts to tumble into anxious territory. Is something wrong with him? Is something wrong with me? Have I failed him?