Jackie Gillard


Jackie Gillard is a freelance writer who lives in the suburban fringe of Toronto. In addition to writing the stories she has swirling in her mind, she is busy as the second wife to her second husband (no, she's not a sister-wife) and mom to an almost-tween daughter and a teen stepson. Coffee fuels her days and while she used to enjoy wine in the evenings, now she usually just falls asleep tucking her daughter into bed.

How to cope when kids decorate the tree - SavvyMom

How to Deal When Your Kids Decorate for the Holidays

By Jackie Gillard / November 27, 2023

I am a control freak and I take pride in my Christmas décor. I planned it, I shopped for it, and I like it when it all looks just-so. So here’s how to deal when the kids decorate.

Fantastic Non-Fiction Books to Read Next

By Jackie Gillard / February 20, 2019

With so many great sub-genres to choose from, it’s hard to narrow down a list of great picks, but here are some non-fiction reads currently getting buzz.