Jen Millard


Jen Millard lives in Markham, Ontario with her husband, two daughters and three badly-behaved pets. Jen is happiest when she’s got her nose in a book, a glass of wine at her side and a nap on the horizon. When she's not blogging, Jen is wondering how mascara marketers sleep at night and teaching College part-time.

All About Our Family Vacation to Paris - SavvyMom

How to Ruin Your Kids on a Vacation to Paris

By Jen Millard / June 17, 2024

After our vacation to Paris, trying to get my kids excited about anything less than a five-star eco-lodge with an in-room hot tub is almost impossible.

What Parents Need to Know About Sex Trafficking - SavvyMom

What Parents Need to Know About Sex Trafficking

By Jen Millard / June 15, 2024

The most common types of human trafficking include forced labour and involuntary sex work Sex trafficking is an actual threat for kids that’s not just in the movies.

Creative Gift Ideas for Mother's Day - SavvyMom

No Brunch & No Spa: Creative Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

By Jen Millard / May 8, 2024

“It’s the thought that counts” is a phrase undoubtedly coined by a mom. Her are some gift ideas for Mother’s Day to make the day special.

How to Be an Awakened Parent - SavvyMom

How to Be an ‘Awakened’ Parent

By Jen Millard / March 22, 2024

The book, “The Awakened Family,” taught me something new about the way I parent and my relationships with my kids. Here’s how to be an awakened parent…

Why the stress of mom guilt is so toxic - SavvyMom

What the Toxicity and Stress of Mom Guilt Does to Our Bodies

By Jen Millard / February 27, 2024

We’ve all read about mom guilt: why we feel it, how much it sucks and what we can do about it. But there isn’t a lot of information out there about why it’s so damaging.

Rejecting Mom Guilt and Feeling Less Stressed - SavvyMom

How to Reject Mom Guilt & Feel Less Stressed This Year

By Jen Millard / January 4, 2024

A lot of us accept mom guilt as the price of entry to motherhood but I don’t think it has to be that way. Here’s how I reject it and feel less stressed.

Make the Most of Cold, Dreaded, January - SavvyMom

How to Make the Most of Cold, Dark, Dreaded January

By Jen Millard / December 31, 2023

There are ways to make the most of cold, dark, dreaded January, other than binge-watching Netflix in the name of “self-care.” Here are five ideas.

Stop Celebrating Celebrity Co-Parents - SavvyMom

Can We Please Stop Celebrating Celebrity Co-Parents?

By Jen Millard / November 5, 2023

Lauding celebrity co-parents is like congratulating fathers for “being hands on.” It’s nauseating and I’d like it to stop.

Scary Movies for Kids That Won't Scare Them Too Much - SavvyMom

20 Scary Movies for Kids (That Won’t Scare the Pants Off Them)

By Jen Millard / October 12, 2023

Scary movies for kids often = sleepless nights for parents. But these spooky movies all have an element of magic that’s perfect for family movie night.

Are We Ignoring Our Kids' Privacy? - SavvyMom

Are We Documenting Their Lives or Are We Ignoring Kids’ Privacy?

By Jen Millard / September 19, 2023

To me, they’re harmless anecdotes that showed the world how cute, precocious and special I think my children are. But as they get older, I’m realizing that these aren’t my stories anymore. And I’m not sure they ever were.