Jesica Ryzynski


Jesica Ryzynski is the mother of four children ranging in ages from three to fifteen.  Her work has been featured on Her View From Home, Sammiches and Psych Meds,  Parent.Co and Baby Gaga. When she isn’t looking for lost shoes or sneaking chocolate in the laundry room she maintains her sanity by sharing her sleep deprived and honest accounts of parenting on her blog. You can also follow her on Facebook.

In Defense of My Wild Child - SavvyMom

In Defense of My Wild Child

By Jesica Ryzynski / November 9, 2023

Dear people in grocery stores, the teller at the bank, the receptionist at our doctor’s office and relatives: I see you. I see your raised eyebrows as you gaze upon my wild child.

Back to School with an IEP - SavvyMom

Going Back to School with an IEP

By Jesica Ryzynski / August 22, 2023

If your child is headed back to school with an IEP, here are some strategies to develop a positive relationship with their teachers, so your kids can have a successful year:

Who Will Help the Children Who Struggle Without Educational Assistants?

By Jesica Ryzynski / June 7, 2019

When deep cuts are made to education in Ontario we lose educational assistants. That fact absolutely terrifies me.

Tips for Flying With Children for People Who Never Fly With Children

By Jesica Ryzynski / July 20, 2018

With four children who had never been that far away from home, and had never been on a plane, planning was essential. I reached out to fellow parents and friends who travel regularly with their children. Here are the tips I found to be most helpful.

If Kids Competed in the Olympics

By Jesica Ryzynski / January 15, 2018

All children seem to possess certain skill sets that they are passionately devoted to perfecting. And if those skills were Olympic sports, there would be some serious competition among a lot of kids. Here’s a list of sports most kids would be pros at mastering.

I’m So Over the Hot Mess Mom Memes

By Jesica Ryzynski / December 7, 2017

Sometimes being a mom and having your shit together is really, really hard. But it’s become a joke. It’s a joke for other parents, friends and family. I have become the “Hot Mess Mom”. But I’m not one. I’m just exhausted.

How to Speak Toddler: A Basic Translation Guide

By Jesica Ryzynski / November 24, 2017

A toddler who wants something that you either don’t understand or are not able to provide is very much like a tornado, and you my friend are a trailer park. If you’re heading into the land of toddler, here’s a translation guide that might be helpful.

Every Day I Tell Myself That Today is the Day I Won’t Lose It

By Jesica Ryzynski / October 24, 2017

Today is the day that raising four children will not push me past the limits of my patience.