Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell


Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell provide tools for real life parenting through their company, Parenting Power. Using over 40 years of combined experience, they work with parents across the country through telephone coaching, podcasts, and video courses to ease the stress and guilt of parents while providing practical solutions to everyday parenting challenges. www.parentingpower.ca

How to handle toddler tantrums - SavvyMom

How to Handle Toddler Tantrums

By Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell / May 15, 2024

Is it the terrible twos, or something more? What’s the best way of handling toddler tantrums?

How to handle a perfectionist kid - SavvyMom

I Think I’m Raising a Perfectionist Kid…Now What?

By Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell / May 4, 2024

It’s no fun feeling frustrated all the time. How you respond to perfectionist kid outbursts will set them up to deal with failure in the future.

How to Teach Kids to Find Things - SavvyMom

How to Teach Kids to Find Things

By Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell / February 22, 2024

It can feel so frustrating to be asked again and again to find things when our kids can do it themselves. Here’s how to start teaching them to do exactly that.

Stop Making Excuses for Your Kids' Behaviour - SavvyMom

How to Stop Making Excuses for Your Kids

By Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell / January 10, 2024

When we use excuses, we don’t have to admit that we don’t know what to do to make things better. What can we do instead?

How to Turn Your Kids into Model Citizens - SavvyMom

How to Turn Your Kids into Model Citizens

By Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell / December 2, 2023

Since children learn what they live, our job as parents is to be sure that we are modelling, teaching and living the values that we believe are important. So what does that look like on a daily basis?

How to Beat the Daycare Dropoff Tears - SavvyMom

Honesty Can Stop the Daycare Dropoff Tears

By Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell / November 24, 2023

Sneaking out at school or the daycare dropoff to avoid tears and tantrums does more harm than good. Find out why honesty is the best policy.

5 Tips for a Back to School Transition - SavvyMom

5 Ways to Make the Back to School Transition Easier

By Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell / August 18, 2023

Back to school doesn’t mean ‘back to chaos’. Check out these 5 steps to help your family ease into your back to school transition…

How Many After-School Activities Are Too Many?

By Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell / September 1, 2018

There is no magic answer that suits every child and family. However, there is an answer that’s just right for you, your child and your entire family—it’s just a matter of finding it.

How to Handle Things When You Disagree with Your Child’s Teacher or Coach

By Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell / October 12, 2016

The saying goes, ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ Adults volunteering to work with our kids bring so…

5 Ways to Make the Most of Book Time with Our Kids

By Julie Freedman Smith and Gail Bell / June 5, 2016

Book time creates an incredible opportunity for connection with kids. Here’s how to make the most of it, even when they’re not yet reading.