Write for Us

We’re always looking for great contributors at SavvyMom. If you like to tell stories about parenting, or if you want to talk about mom friends, genius tips and tricks, new and cool kid gear, loot bags and birthday parties, surviving toddlerhood, getting ready for school – or anything else related to the journey of parenting – we’d love to hear from you.
Here’s What We’re Looking For
We love engaging stories from fellow parents. If you’ve got an idea that you think will make others nod their head in agreement or think “Thank goodness it’s not just me!”, then it’ll likely do well with our Savvy audience. We’re an online resource for fellow parents. We’re here to be helpful, funny, informative – but not judgmental.
We’re especially interested in article ideas for our city sections. If you live in Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver or Victoria and know about family-friendly, fun things to do, places to go, birthday party venues, new store openings and more – we definitely want to hear from you.
A Few Tips
We don’t accept content in exchange for a link back.
Don’t worry about a specific word count. Any length is great, as long as it’s interesting and engaging.
Try mixing it up with both long and short(er) sentences when you can. We find it easier to read.
Break up the text every now and again if you can.
Provide us with pictures when it makes sense! High resolution, natural light, landscape shots are best.
How to Pitch a Story
Send an email to [email protected] with your full article and a clear headline. (If it’s city content, you can pitch just an idea first). If we’re going to publish it, we’ll contact you within 2 weeks.
We pay competitive rates for original content, but not for republished material.
At SavvyMom Media, we’re always looking for talented people to join our team. So if you think you can make a difference, feel free to send your resume to [email protected] even if you don’t see a relevant posting below.
We are always looking for editorial interns, so if you’re an eager candidate looking to jump start your career in the media industry, please send us your resume for an Editorial Internship opportunity.