Classes in Toronto

10 Drama and Music Classes for Young Stars

So your little ones know every word to Les Mis and are more comfortable at Stratford than the local baseball diamond? We’ve rounded up the best musical theatre classes around the city.

10 Cool Classes for Moms

During this time of new beginnings and kids’ activities, why not take a moment to remember that we as parents have interests and passions too? Why not sign up for a workshop/club/activity that allows you to develop those interests while bonding with…wait for it… other adults! Read on for some of the clubs you might not have realized were waiting for you.

11 Cool Classes for Moms

Why not sign up for a workshop/club/activity that allows you to develop those interests while bonding with…wait for it… other adults! Read on for some of the clubs you might not have realized were waiting for you.

12 Cool Classes for Cool Kids

If there is one thing we have learned, it’s that we should all follow our passions. Help your kids find theirs with our 12 Cool Classes for Cool Kids might just be the spark that leads to a deep and abiding interest in an activity, sport, hobby or simply a fun-filled day.

Where to Turn

We know a simple way to find answers—all you have to do is pick up the phone and dial 211. It’s a free helpline for information and referrals to community, social, health and government services. You can call them 24 hours a day, every day of the week. They provide the service in 150 languages and they work to connect people to more than 56,000 programs and services.

9 Cool Classes for Moms in Toronto

Now that you’ve got the little munchkins settled in to school and enrolled in extra-curricular activities, sign up for some mommy-time with these nine cool classes in Toronto.

13 Stellar Classes for Kids in Toronto

Here are 13 popular classes for kids in Toronto we think you should know about. Sign the kids up now and watch them learn and grow.

5 Ways to Save a Life

Moms are always on duty but sometimes that extends to more than we bargained for. Sign up for CPR classes and become a real lifesaver.

Music Classes for Kids in Toronto

How will you know if you’re living with the next Beethoven if you don’t expose him or her to music lessons? Here are our six picks for music classes in Toronto.

8 Cool Classes to Sign Up For in Toronto

In the spirit of doing amazing things, we bring you eight cool classes for the masses that are slightly out of the ordinary…just like your kids.