6 Mom Businesses in Ottawa
Moms are good at many things: Tucking kids in, planning great birthday parties and running businesses are just a few. Here are six mom-run businesses in Ottawa to look out for.
2nd Act Dancewear
Owned by Ali Goldfield, mom of two dancers, 2nd Act Dancewear is a mobile consignment store that carries high quality, gently used dancewear. Finding shoes, costumes, accessories, bags and more through this business will save you money and time —just what every busy mom needs more of.
When they became mothers for the first time, Brandy McDevitt and Melanie Roet had a lot of questions about how to feed their children. As they discovered the answers, shared recipes and researched the best ways to keep their families healthy and fed, TummyThyme was created. Individual nutrition coaching sessions and a variety of workshops are available for new moms to participate in.
ONs Gear
Inspired by her sons' difficulties keeping their mittens on in the snow, Crystal Evans and her husband designed a better product. Mitt-Ons were born, and soon other mothers were interested in getting their hands on a pair. ONs Gear sells other innovative children's products that make parents' lives easier.
This mompreneur rediscovered her love for baking while pregnant with her first child. Sweet! carries cupcakes, cake pops and sweet sushi, all lovingly made by mom of two toddlers Elaine Hamelin. What could be sweeter?
Butternut Baby
They met in a prenatal class and became friends and then business partners as they realized they had the same problem: Their sons were cold at night after their active sleeping left them without blankets. Mireille Theriault and Genevieve Freeman formed Butternut Baby and created the Sleep ‘n Cuddle Wrap, a wearable blanket and an answer to their dilemma.
Four Piggies Publishing
It's never too early to teach kids about the importance of saving money and financial values. Four Piggies Publishing was born out of Jeanette Ramnarine and her husband creating a way for their son to set aside money using four piggy banks, each with a distinct purpose. Now kids (and parents) everywhere can benefit from this method.