Cat Margulis
Cat Margulis is a Toronto editor and writer and super (tired) mom of four. She's working on her first novel and is also manic enough to be producing her own podcast, Passion Project. You can hold her accountable here: and @catmargulis on Instagram.
Parents: We Need to Talk About Work Life Balance
Offices don’t need more ping pong tables. Parents need work life balance. Invest in your people with flexible hours, more vacation time, and work-from-home options.
Sometimes Saying No Instead of Yes Is Exactly What Kids Need
While it’s a nice idea to have yes days, sometimes it doesn’t work. Sometimes negotiating doesn’t work. And sometimes saying no is exactly what kids need.
If You Want Dad’s Help, Get Out of the Way
The less he does, the more I resent him for it. But somewhere along the way, I became a total control freak. I wanted dad’s help, but I wanted it my way.
7 Food Delivery Services in Canada for Busy Moms and Dads
Adding food delivery services to share the load can be a big help. Here are a few of our favourite finds in Canada.
The Middle Grade Years Are Breaking My Heart
The middle-grade years are, in my house anyway, the first hint of things to come.
4 Things I’ve Learned About Being a Happier Parent
Here’s how I learned to get into the moment, dial down the overwhelm and find my inner calm. (It took some serious digging.)
It’s Never Too Late to Find Your Tribe
Being a new mom is isolating in itself—the strange hours, the all-consuming need of your baby. Then the kids get older, and just when you think you might have some time for yourself again, homework and extra-curricular activities kick in.
Is the Girl Power Message Problematic?
When the emphasis at school is on empowering girls, what message does that send our boys?
Why We Should Be Grateful for Stay-at-Home Moms
We need to give each other, and ourselves, a break. In particular—stay-at-home moms.
To My Future Adult Children, I Apologize
Being a parent is hard. You do your best, and a lot of the time you suck, and most of the time you feel terrible about it. I hope they forgive us for all of it one day.