Celeste Percy-Beauregard
Celeste Percy-Beauregard has a background in theatre as an actor and as a playwright, writing female-driven dark comedies. Her short-form work has appeared in Today’s Parent and she is especially passionate about maternal health. Celeste is co-founder of the annual sold-out Feminist Debaters comedy fundraising event, Mom to a very active toddler, and a lover of cheese.
How to Choose the Best Baby Bike Carrier
With an increasing amount of options to bring your kiddos cycling with you, it can feel overwhelming to know which child or baby bike carrier to choose.
The Burnt-Out Parents’ Guide to Must-Have Gifts for Kids of Every Age
These gifts for kids are a no-brainer—they don’t require a lot from us burnt-out parents, while encouraging safe, independent play for kiddos.
Plant-Based for Beginners: How to Become a Vegetarian Family
In grade four or five, a traumatic “How Sausages Are Made” farm exhibit was the catalyst for my vegetarian journey,…
Is This Pricey Kid Toy Worth The Cost? + Where To Get One In Toronto
The Pikler triangle has exploded in popularity recently, and it’s no wonder! Here’s everything you need to know about them, plus where to find one.
Toronto’s Best Online Kids’ Consignment Shops
Operated by local parents who are on a mission to extend the life of kids’ clothes while saving families money, these shops each offer a unique experience.