Green Living

Colourful Food

What shades are in your shopping cart? What is the actual colour of your food? In the kitchen and on…

Playing with Fire

Candles are often overlooked as a cause of poor indoor air quality and can affect our health. Paraffin candles are…

Tips to Improve Your Home’s Health

In honour of Earth Day, I have some simple suggestions on how to ‘green’ your home and improve your family’s…

Eco Fun: Storm Drain Marking

Looking for an eco activity to get your family excited about Earth Day? Storm drain marking is a special activity…

The Right Kind of Change

As if the name is not compelling enough, Moms Against Climate Change , an initiative dedicated to creating a greener…

Green Your Laundry

It’s a tough job staying on top of what’s natural and what’s not in the grocery store these days. You…

Summer Armour

They’re the Triple Crown of any kid’s glorious summer—legs full of mosquito bites, a skinned knee and dirt under the fingernails. We embrace them as badges of honour and we certainly don’t let them discourage the kids from enjoying the great outdoors.

Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen

It’s tough to get through the grocery store these days. Organic or not? Farm raised? Local? Packed in plastic? Flown…

Green Endings

Let’s face it. When a new mom is face to face with a full, warm diaper that needs a changin’,…