Dear Child of Mine. It’s Not June. Stop Dressing Like It.
If my daughter comes down in shorts and a t-shirt, I’m not going to say a word. If my son demands (as he did over the freezing cold weekend) that he doesn’t want his jacket done up, and he doesn’t want to keep his hat on, I’m done. I’m with Katie Holmes on this. They will get cold. They will learn.
How to Make the Most of Cold, Dark, Dreaded January
There are ways to make the most of cold, dark, dreaded January, other than binge-watching Netflix in the name of “self-care.” Here are five ideas.
Realistic New Year’s Resolutions for Busy Moms
Instead of setting more impossible goals, we resolved to find some realistic New Year’s Resolutions that busy moms can actually live by.
Parenting Problems… Avoiding Repeated Arguments
Do you keep having the same arguments with your kids over and over again? With parenting, repeated arguments are the worst. Why? Why? Why?
Helping Your Kids to Understand Privilege
Our parents wanted us to be grateful for what we had, to understand privilege. And gratitude doesn’t stem from feeling bad about yourself.
How to Build Resilience in Kids
The ability to overcome adversity or failure and manage stress is not something that kids are born with. Here’s how to build resilience in kids.
When You Disagree with Your Child’s Teacher or Coach
We really are all working toward the same goals. The last thing you want is to disagree with your child’s teacher or coach.