
Why we say "I love you to the moon and back" - SavvyMom

Why We Say ‘I Love You to the Moon and Back’

Every night, thousands of parents turn the lights off and say, ‘I love you to the moon and back.’ It’s lovely. But, where did it come from? Who invented that phrase?

Best age for getting kids to do chores - SavvyMom

Mother’s Little Helper… Getting Kids to Do Chores

Getting started getting kids to do chores by age 2 or 3 has more benefits than getting started when they’re teens. Here’s why and how…

5 Back to School Traditions - SavvyMom

5 Sweet First Day of School Traditions to Start with Your Family

Say goodbye to summer and hello to a new school year with these 5 heart-warming back to school traditions.

14 Low-Stress, Fun Ways to Stave Off Summer Learning Loss

Concerned about summer learning loss? Here are some activities to cover all curriculum areas from kindergarten to grade 3 to keep your child motivated and learning and still having fun!

Should We Make Our Kids Say Sorry? - SavvyMom

Should We Make Our Kids Say Sorry?

If we make our kids say sorry ‘in the moment,’ we are not teaching, we are forcing them and potentially entering a power-struggle.

Why Did She Stay? Why Did I Stay? SavvyMom

Why Did She Stay? Why Did I Stay?

I thought I was strong. I thought I was smart. I know people are wondering why did she stay in an abusive marriage for over 20 years?

Why Is My Husband Always in a Bad Mood? - SavvyMom

Why Is My Husband Always in a Bad Mood?

I put a name to the phenomenon of my husband always being in a bad mood. I call this “haunting the house.” It is usually an expression of passive aggressive control.

Dads who do chores raise daughters who earn more - SavvyMom

Dads Who Do Chores Raise Daughters Who Earn More

A new study reveals that dads who do chores raise daughters who pursue more challenging and lucrative careers. So, pick up your socks, dads (literally).

Writing a Thoughtful Thank You Note to Teachers - SavvyMom

How to Write a Thoughtful Thank You Note to Teachers

To accompany your gift and really touch their hearts, enclose a handwritten thank you note for teacher. Here are a few things to remember when helping your little one write their note.