
Why Do Bullies Win? - SavvyMom

Why Do Bullies Win? I Asked Chat GPT

We take the high road. We work hard. We try to be allies. So, why do bullies win? I asked the nice robots at Chat GPT and here’s what they said…

Helping Kids to Understand Privilege - SavvyMom

Helping Your Kids to Understand Privilege

Our parents wanted us to be grateful for what we had, to understand privilege. And gratitude doesn’t stem from feeling bad about yourself.

How to Build Resilience in Kids - SavvyMom

How to Build Resilience in Kids

The ability to overcome adversity or failure and manage stress is not something that kids are born with. Here’s how to build resilience in kids.

When You Disagree with Your Child's Teacher or Coach - SavvyMom

When You Disagree with Your Child’s Teacher or Coach

We really are all working toward the same goals. The last thing you want is to disagree with your child’s teacher or coach.

Maybe Putting Myself First Means Putting Myself Last - SavvyMom

How Putting Myself First Is Putting Myself *Last*

Yes, I know I “deserve the purse.” Maybe I just didn’t want it. Maybe putting myself first IS putting myself last. The judgement is coming from inside the house.

Time-Saving Techniques for Moms - SavvyMom

Expert Time-Saving Techniques for Moms

I am excellent at saving time and not just in the obvious ways. I have some time-saving techniques and tricks that I have decided to share with you. You’re welcome.

What to do when your kid hates school - SavvyMom

What to Do When Your Kid Hates School

How do we unravel the knot that parks itself in our stomach in mid-August and stays there all year? What do you do if your kid hates school?

I Didn't Plan on Having an Only Child - SavvyMom

I Didn’t Plan on Having an Only Child

I never sought out to have an only child. I don’t know if anyone does. But at some point, it became my choice to be one and done.

I'm the Mother of "That" Kid - SavvyMom

I’m the Mother of “That” Kid

It’s hard to have that kid. It’s even harder to be that kid.