Search Results: kids in the kitchen

Kids in the Kitchen: The Forest Feast for Kids

If we really want our kids to grow up loving good food that they can shop for, prepare, and cook for themselves, we need to get our kids into the

Kids in the Kitchen: Soda Bread

If you’ve been thinking about getting into the kitchen to cook with your kids, this homemade soda bread recipe is a pretty fantastic place to start. Not only is it…

Whipped Crem in a Mason Jar - SavvyMom

Kids in the Kitchen: Whipped Cream in a Jar

…in the summer heat it melts so quickly, leaving nothing more than a sweet mess on your plate. I’€™ve been putting my kids in charge of our whipped cream production…

Kids in the Kitchen: Skillet Spider and Web Cookies

…hard to know how we should classify this sweet treats, but it really doesn’€™t even matter because the kids will love them regardless of their moniker. I was drawn to…

5 Easy Ways to Update Your Kitchen

Kitchens are my favourite room to design for families due to the impact they have on a family’s life. The kitchen is where families are nourished, memories are made, and…

Age appropriate cooking tasks for kids

Age-Appropriate Cooking Tasks for Kids

Spending time with your kids in the kitchen is a wonderful way to connect with them while teaching healthy eating habits, confidence and independence. When kids participate in food selection…

Kitchen Confidential

…is one coach you’ll want in your corner. Your Kitchen Coach helps solve the kitchen quandaries we all face. Learn how to prepare and cook a well-timed meal; find out…

Essential Kitchen Tools - SavvyMom

The Top 6 Kitchen Tools You Should Have in Your Kitchen

Every cook has their arsenal of tools that they just can’t live without. I know I do. While everyone’s arsenal of kitchen tools may not contain the same items, there…

Cooking with Kids

Food Editor’€™s Note: With only a few weeks left of summer vacation, your kids might feel boredom settling in. My antidote to that is always getting them into the kitchen

Teaching Kids Kitchen Skills - SavvyMom

5 Essential Kids Kitchen Skills to Teach Your Children

…It’s to teach life-long kids kitchen skills to help them be healthier, happier adults. Teaching Kids Kitchen Skills 1. Measuring Have your child measure out wet and dry ingredients and…