Berry Yummy


While it did arrive a little late, berry season is finally here. Now that you’ve likely picked a few packs at your local u-pick, or purchased fresh ones from the market, how do you store your precious berries?
If you don’t plan to eat your goods right away, freezing them is the very best bet. The cold storage prevents growth of micro-organisms, which is often the cause of food spoilage.

Unbeknownst to some, there is more than one way to freeze your berries. Here are the two methods I like best as they are both easy to execute, and leave me with local berries I can enjoy all fall/winter long.

Freezing Whole Strawberries

Using only fresh and plump berries, wash them in cold water and drain them immediately. Spread them on a towel-lined tray or counter, and allow the berries to dry. Place berries in a single layer on a baking sheet that fits into your freezer. Freeze them overnight to ensure they are completely frozen.

Place the berries in a lidded container or zip top baggie and label them with the date.

Freezing Strawberries in Syrup

Make simple syrup by combining 3 cups water to each ½ cup sugar. Place the water and sugar in a saucepan and bring it to a boil, cooking only until the sugar is completely dissolved. Chill the syrup thoroughly.

Add whole or sliced berries to containers and cover with the syrup, leaving at least one inch of headspace at the top. Cover with ½ to ¾ cup of syrup for each 8 to 12 oz. container.

Package and freeze.

To Eat

Thaw berries at room temperature, or in the fridge, and serve as desired.


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