Turkey and Kale Enchiladas
Your family will come clamouring for these Mexican enchiladas we're serving up healthy-style. Turkey replaces the traditional beef, while kale and corn add an extra boost of nutrients to the plate. The filling is easily doubled, giving you leftovers that tuck nicely into a thermos the next day for lunch, with a side of salsa and nacho chips—even dad will be tempted to pack this.
Baked Mac and Cheese with Little White Beans
Slip an extra dose of fibre and protein in your wee one's favourite mac and cheese by adding little white beans to the mix. Be savvy and double the recipe, then freeze single size portions for another day, stocking your freezer with a ready-made meal for fall.
Shrimp and Egg Fried Rice
Choose the craziest night of the week—the one with hockey, ballet and swimming—and turn the remnants of your fridge into a quick-cooking shrimp and egg fried rice. Double or triple this recipe and store the extra in small zip top baggies in the freezer for single-serving lunch portions on another day. Note: sub in chicken or pork if preferred.
Leek, Potato and Apple Soup
Seasonal, gluten free, vegetarian and tasty are just a few words to describe this dish, but the real appeal comes from the ability to make this meal in advance. Prep a pot on the weekend and dole out servings throughout the week. Add a healthy side salad and a hunk of bread for dinner or a few favourite crackers for a hot homemade lunch.