Every Kid Deserves to Play


September is sign up time.
Sure, organized sports promise a lot of late nights, eat-in-the-car dinners and a frantic family calendar’€”but the physical, emotional and social benefits of playing sports are undisputed.

However, it’€™s sobering to note that a third of metro Vancouver’€™s nearly 500,000 kids are not able to participate in organized community sports due to financial barriers. Inspired by the impact of physical fitness on mental fitness and on our community as a whole, Athletics for Kids envisions a future where every child participates in their community through organized sports.

Athletics for Kids helps families bear the expense. Financial support is available province-wide for children ages 5 to 18 who are currently enrolled in school. Basic registration fees are paid for a multitude of approved sports, up to an annual maximum of $600 per child. Since their inception in 2002, this organization has put 2,000 kids in sports.

If you know someone who could benefit from A4K’€™s assistance, please direct them to their website for the clear and simple application form.

If you’€™re interested in helping kids get the chance to play sports, please contact executive director Derek Mayson at 604-221-PLAY (7529) or [email protected] to get more information.

For more ideas on how help out in your community, check out Shopping Outside the Box.

Tested by Nancy C., Vancouver


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