Laundry Room Green


I’m always looking for ways to be a little more green around my house (as long as it does not require too much effort…) so I was keen to try out one of the samples of Green Works® (one of our new sponsors) laundry detergent they sent. As promised, it did get my kids’ clothes clean, but it’s made from plant-based cleaning ingredients that don’t leave a harsh chemical residue, are formulated using biodegradable cleaning ingredients, are packaged in recyclable bottles and not tested on animals.
They’ve got Sarah Richardson on board and she’s got some good tips on how to green and clean your laundry, too. Inspired by her, I am going to try to hang more of my laundry to dry—I already have the collapsible drying rack she suggests, so I don’t have any excuses. What are you doing to green your home?


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