Toys, Toys, Toys


We all have a friend or relative who thinks it’s funny to send a gift with loud bells and whistles (in primary colours that don’t match your décor)—you know, the ones that drive you crazy with the noise, noise, noise, and the relentless need to change the batteries. Then there are the moms who look for something that makes both mom and birthday child happy.
Those moms are savvy moms—ones who know about toys from TJ Whitney’s, the makers of old fashioned children’s toys that are both easy on the parental eye and keep children happy and engaged for hours.

TJ Whitney’s is an award-winning company specializing in reproduction golden era toys. When we say golden era, we mean old fashioned toys with beautiful vintage graphics and simple applications for children. So think stacking boxes and memory games, not listening to a stranger’s voice through a plastic cell phone or flashing lights, and best of all, no AAA’s required. What’s even better is that the children seem to be drawn to them just as much as the adults and how can that be a bad thing?


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