Calgary’s Reading Foundation Helps Kids Get Ahead in Reading & Math

Even though we’re well into the school year routine by now, it can sometimes be hard to get into a reading routine at home. And since reading becomes the basis for school learning, it can be troublesome for children have difficulty picking up the skill.
When moving beyond ABC becomes challenging, we’ve sought solace in The Reading Foundation, located here in Calgary.
This private clinic helps students of all ages to achieve their highest learning potential. Caregivers know how important it is to instill a love of learning at an early age, and their thoughtful yet fun programs do just that.
Founded by Dr. Steve Truch, a well-known learning specialist and former school psychologist, the clinic does a thorough job of assessing and treating learning difficulties through one on one programs.
Core literacy programs include reading, spelling and comprehension, but they offer math enrichment courses, too. There’s even a course for improving printing skills that corrects kid’s pencil grip and improves legibility. (Bet we all know some parents who might benefit from this class as well!)
Building confidence, reducing frustration and mastering critical skills is what the Reading Foundation is all about. It’s less like tutoring and more like learning therapy with their unique approach and delivery. And these courses aren’t just for struggling learners or students with learning disabilities. Anyone seeking to improve their learning or organize their study skills will thrive here.
Students have the option of attend on an intensive basis (four and six hours a day, five days a week), part-time or outside school hours. Sessions are adapted to fulfill the recommendations of the initial assessment and to suit each family’s schedule.
On hand are psychologists who can administer psycho-educational assessments. These assessment are required by many schools before they develop an Individual Program Plan (IPP) for your child.
Whether your child needs an extra boost in the reading process, or some help with reading, spelling, printing or math, you’re in good hands.
After all, it’s never too late to learn.