Our Fav*rites


We have a long list of fav*rites—our kids being at the very top, of course. And when we find ways to keep them happy and entertained, we like to add that activity to our list of fav*rites too.
The good people at Nestlé know this, which is why they’ve rounded up some great boredom-buster ideas for moms at home, the cottage or in the car with your kids (and yes, some of them include treats).

Here are a few fun ideas:

Freeze dance is always a blast. Play the music (nice and loud) and tell the kids to keep dancing until the music stops, then they have to freeze. The last person to stop is out. Play music again until one person is left dancing. Keep a stash of treats like Nestlé Fav*rites which are Smarties, Aero, Coffee Crisp and Kit Kat snack-size bars (portion controlled at 80 calories or less) on hand to reward the winner of each round.

Be Crafty.
An afternoon of arts and crafts is easy if you keep a storage box full of fun craft materials such as great Crayola products and fun dollar store finds like markers, glitter, glue, old magazines and construction paper on hand. Add new items to the craft box often and don’t forget to restock before every cottage retreat.


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