Savvy Moms are Online Moms

A friend forwarded this illuminating quote to me:
The Living Will
‘Last night, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and I said to them ‘If I am ever very ill and dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle…please if it ever happens, just pull the plug’.
They got up, unplugged the computer, and threw out my wine.’
There are so many reasons we mamas, myself definitely included, love our computers. Just to name a few:
Online Shopping
This holiday season I opted out of dragging six kids around crowded shopping malls. Sure, I could have tried to shop while the kids scaled escalators or got soaked trying to clear pennies from the bottom of the water fountain. Instead I put the kids to bed, poured a glass of wine and did all my seasonal shopping online in an hour.
Online Communities
No longer does a social occasion require me to get showered and gussied up. I can hang out with my girlfriends on one of the many mama message boards out there, or participate in any of the popular Twitter #GNOs. The best part—hair is in a ponytail and flannel PJs are on. How’s that for a social life without the hassles of getting out the door or paying a babysitter? Though I do occasionally try to get out for an ‘in real life’ girls’ night, my bailout rate is far lower with my online friends!
What better way is there to catch up with your high school friends without having to lose 10 lbs in time for the reunion? If you can handle dealing with friend requests from folks like that creepy guy you smooched when you were 20, you can use Facebook as an easy way to get connected, stay connected, and share information. Quite simply, it’s time efficient and what savvy moms don’t value that? And for those of you not sold on Twitter—get on the Twitter bus—getting and giving updates in 140 characters easily fits into any busy mama’s schedule.
So if our kids were to unplug our computers and throw out our wine, there would be serious implications. What mamas find in our online communities is likely what makes us more sane and rational. Maybe we’re not hooked up to machines and fluids just yet, but our kiddos should think twice before messing with a tech-savvy mama’s other lifelines!