Art on Canvas


Kids are amazing. We know it, but not everyone sees the untapped talent in a two year old except perhaps, another mom.
Cindy Leech is one of those other moms. When she meets a toddler, she doesn’t see a teething bundle of energy on the verge of a tantrum at any moment. She sees pure, raw, untapped creativity and she wants to bring that out in every child. As an artist herself (with a mom-entrepreneurial instinct) she can do that through her business Canvas Jam, which just recently launched in Toronto.

Canvas Jam is a creative design company that delivers beautiful works of art that fit into your home perfectly—created by your most prized possession (that would be your child)—all with his own hands.

The first step is a consultation with Cindy where she will visit you and inspect the lonely space in need of some attention (read: the empty wall that needs art). She will then recommend a particular size and colour palette to suit the room and then book a time for your budding Picasso to create in her studio.

Cindy’s studio is in her basement where her daughter Grace (a very talented artist herself) plays, so it is a very warm and unintimidating environment. Bookings usually last about two hours and Cindy is very firm about giving the child free reign to design. The younger the better, she believes, because they are completely non-objective and that is when their raw creativity flourishes. Cindy will only “gently guide” the artist if they become frustrated or bored at certain points (she does maintain control of the colours to ensure it works with the space though).


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