Where is the Love?

Barely time to recover from the holiday season and bang! It’s V-day. Hallmark, candies, chocolate and that class list (for all those BFFs)—but where is the love, we ask?
We say bring back Cupid’s real message of Valentine’s day with some simple acts of love around the home. With a bit of colour (namely red) and some heart-shaped food, you can easily turn a candy holiday into a love day.
So spread the love in your home this year with some of our savvy ideas:
- Slap on the red lipstick (the redder the better) and leave ‘hot lips’ marks on the bathroom mirror. Draw a heart around them (with the same lipstick, don’t use your best) and write ‘I Love You’.
- If you don’t want your kids to think you’re lame—wear red or pink. Might not be your fave but give into this wardrobe challenge one day out of the year. Kids love this stuff!