
Ho Ho Cocoa

We’re all swamped with last minute holiday activities so we don’t wish to take up your valuable time. Instead, we…

The Mom Stash

Another night of good cheer… Hair? Check. Jewels? Check. Babysitter? Check. Your beloved waiting at door? Check. The hostess gift?…

Feeding Time at the Zoo

Who knew peas were so sticky when masticated in little Jill’s mouth—then spit out, usually right at the wall (or…

Berry Grown Up

Ahhhhh, the holidays. A time for families, a time to be grateful, a time to shop and cook for the…

Fries with That?

Jack and Jill are hungry and cranky from running up and down that hill all day. They invited their friends…

7 Homemade Gifts from Our Kitchen

Handmade gifts from the kitchen are some of the best presents to give—and receive! So this month we’re putting together pretty packages of our favourite homemade edibles in this collection of easy-to-make items. Offer everyone on your holiday shopping list the very best of the season, along with something delicious and straight from the heart.

20 Family Crock-Pot Recipes

During long, dark winter days, we crave hot meals with comforting flavours that are low on prep and big on taste. The easy way to execute those dinner: the slow cooker, every mom’s greatest friend in the kitchen. Is there anything better than coming into the house after a long day and smelling dinner cooking? Divine.

18 Slow Cooker Recipes and Tips

Nothing beats coming home to a hot meal all ready to go—except coming home to one that cooked itself. The slow cooker does all the work with these 11 satisfying meals (plus some handy tips) that are perfect for the whole family.

7 Mini Meals Made for Toddlers

Got a toddler who’s a picky eater? We’ve got the solution with these mini-meals, perfect for tots.