Lolliloot: The One Stop Shop for Loot Bags

lollitllot bags

As birthday parties reach an all-time high frequency (what is it about June?), we have reached an all-time low in terms of creativity for loot bags. Throughout the rest of the year we were pretty fabulous when it came to putting together fabulous loot bags, but come June, we’re quite simply done.

That’s why stumbling across the brand new bricks and mortar home for Lolliloot was like discovering Narnia through the back of a wardrobe. A cute little shop at Bathurst and St. Clair, the new storefront opened at the end of April and offers a stunning variety of loot bags for $5 each, featuring some of our favourite high quality brands like Melissa and Doug and Djeco.

Choice is everywhere—from selecting the birthday kid’s favourite colour for the tissue paper used for packaging, to their preferred type of toy (colouring, stickers, tattoos, build-your own car or yo-yo). The whole shebang is then topped with a colour-coordinated ribbon and a fun twisty lollipop, which is all so much prettier than our offerings in the past.  This bliss is all for just $5.

Lolliloot also has great fun finds for party décor, from a paper Pirate Ship to serve the cupcakes to fun candles, straws and decorative tissue pompoms. There’s also a candy bar featuring Pop Rocks and Nerds, to name a few of our childhood favourites.

The loot bags are also available to ship ($10 flat rate shipping), so if your end-of-school year schedule is too jammed to even make it out the door, loot bag assistance is still just a click or two away.

Pulled-together loot bags and party décor at the end of the year? A very exhausted, resounding ‘yes’ (please)!


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