8 Easy Ways to Live a More Green Lifestyle with Kids

On Earth Day and every day, we all know how important it is to protect the Earth. Here are some tips on how you and your family can live a more green lifestyle — to conserve energy, reduce, and recycle.
8 Tips for a More Green Lifestyle with Kids
Green Cooking
When reheating food or baking casseroles (or muffins), try turning off the oven 10 minutes before the end of cooking time to save energy. The heat in the oven will continue to cook or warm the food to completion.
Green Cleaning
Try repurposing used dryer sheets as dusting cloths around the home. They really double well as dusters.
Green Toilet
Reduce water usage by placing a brick in the water cistern of your toilet. Instant DIY low-flow toilet!
Green Groceries
Freezers work more efficiently when they are full, so try to keep your as packed as possible. If you’re running low on frozen food, pop several reusable ice packs in the freezer so it will stay cooler inside and use less energy.
Recycle those works of art from school and use them to wrap gifts. Or fold them in half and write a short note inside—voila, a card is made.
Keep a pitcher or jug of water in the fridge for your family to enjoy, rather than running tap water until it’s cold.
Green Light
Using dimmers doesn’t just create atmosphere. If you dim the lights by just 10%, you’ll double the bulb’s life and decrease the energy used too. Have the kids run around and dim them.
Static Solution
If you have no use for extra dusters, use balled-up aluminum foil instead of dryer sheets to reduce static and eliminate waste.