Baby Names


What’s your favourite baby name? With a name like Minnow and a husband named Rupert, we thought it was important to go traditional with our kids names (Ryan and Michael). I always wanted to use the name Molly—but I had to have a girl to use that one so I was out of luck.
I often marvel at how well people suit their names. How does that happen? Parents spend hours and hours thinking about what to name their baby before it’s born; before it has a personality. Then once the name is decided and the child is born, it’s a perfect match. It’s like we already know our kids before they arrive.

Whether the name or the personality comes first, the fact is the name game is a really popular one. So much so that, one of my favourite new sites (just launched this year) has implemented a handy baby name tool that allows readers to see what the most popular names are in their neighbourhood. It’s pretty cool. They also ask readers to share their own baby name stories and you’ll find lots of good ones.

Check out The Baby File yourself, it’s fun—and if you’re thinking of what to name your next baby, you might get inspired, or at least you’ll be sure not to name him after every other Tom, Dick or Harry.

What’s your favourite name?


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