Just Breathe


We love multiple choices. (They make you feel smart.)
Try this one—it’s easy peasy.

Yoga is for:

  1. stretching
  2. meditating
  3. a pre or post-natal shape-up routine
  4. a stress break from the kids
  5. an escape from the basement full of laundry
  6. all of the above

The savvy answer is, of course: F

It’s hard to stay present and focused in the midst of our chaotic daily lives. Take a break from cooking, cleaning and childcare and step into a yoga studio. Your stress will melt away like the snow on your boots and you will leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Two yoga studios have recently set up shop only blocks apart in the rapidly developing Marda Loop area. Together Yoga Mandala and The Yoga Gateway offer a full range of classes that will suit novice yoga moms and veterans alike.


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