Parent PhD

Parenting is a humbling experience. Recognizing that we don’t know it all (please don’t tell our kids) is a sign of strength and asking for help when we need it is straight-up common sense.
While friends and family can be a treasure trove of experience, sometimes seeking help from neutral parties who know their stuff can help even more when it comes to solving parenting dilemmas.
Parenting Power is one such local source of trusted parenting advice. Entrepreneurs and moms Gail Bell and Julie Freedman-Smith combine their years of experience and cooperatively operate Parenting Power by offering educational opportunities to families through courses, coaching and workshops.
Since every family (even a savvy one) can use a little (or a lot) of support, we took Parenting Power for a test drive. Not only did we find their advice to be straight forward and sensible, we actually learned something in the process (go figure).