Get Your Kids Back to Basics

If you’re looking for something old-but-new to do with the kids, look no further. You likely already have all the supplies you need at home to enjoy some of these 11 Back-to-Basics Outdoor Activities for Kids. Think of the summer memories you’ll make getting cozy in a teepee or watching a movie under the stars.
5-Minute Teepee What’s childhood—or adulthood for that matter—without some quality fort-making? Vamp up the traditional couch pillow and blanket fort with this awesome outdoor teepee that only takes five minutes to set up—and keeps your house mess free. (Get cozy) |
Water Squirter Math Game It’s no secret that kids love a break from homework and pop quizzes, but it’s no excuse to cut off learning altogether. With this backyard math game, you’ll keep their minds from melting away in the summer heat. (Get wet) |
DIY Backyard Water Park Make a splash in your kids’ day and get them into the fresh air with these great water activities. From spray bottles to sponges to a cool down treat, your little soakers won’t be heading back inside any time soon. (Splash out) |