Insta-Inspiration: Favourite Foodie Instagrammers

Of all the social media platforms available’and heck, we know there are many’the one I love the most is Instragram. I screen shot inspiring images and follow so many magazines, editors, bloggers, and regular ol’ people like myself who enjoy sharing pictures of their everyday life and artistic creations.
If you’re looking for a little insta-inspiration in your own life, here are a few of the Instagram accounts I stalk for constant inspiration. They celebrate the seasons with fabulous photos, delicious recipes, and snapshots of their everyday life that will leave you craving more.
@healthyfirstfoods: An Instagram account dedicated to creating a healthy foundation for food. Features include: baby-led weaning, healthy baby food recipes and more.
@thefamilydinnerproject: This Instragram account documents life around the table and offers inspiration for food, fun, and conversation with the kids.
@ohsheglows: Canada’s favourite vegan lovin’ mama has nearly 200,000 followers and for good reason, too; her healthy creations will inspire everyone, including those of us who love cheese and meat.
@100layercakelet: An account dedicated to providing inspiration for kids parties, mom, babies, food and family life.
@aimeebourque: This Canadian food blogger extraordinaire is a Canadian urban homesteader and mom to three kids and her pictures will leave you feeling inspired to get into the kitchen with your kids immediately.
@kiwiandbean: The photos from this Toronto-based lawyer and mama, will convince you that healthy dinners and baby-led weaning are possible for the even busiest person.
And of course, you can follow us @savvymomdotca and we’ll try to keep you up to inspired and up to speed on the recipes we’re cooking, events we’re attending and behind the scenes shenanigans you won’t want to miss.
So, tell me’¦who’s offering you a bunch of Insta-inspiration these days? Feel free to share in the comments’I’m always looking for new people to follow!