Keep the Dream Alive
Little Jack has been begging for a real space ship and Jill has written five notes to Santa Claus requesting Ballerina Barbie. So much for the wooden blocks and jigsaw puzzles you planned to give them.
We’re all desperate to keep the dream alive – Santa Claus, that is. It just doesn’t work if they don’t get what they ask for. Besides, they have been so good this year (fetching the water and all).
Moms do try hard to keep the Santa dream alive. Most also share the wish to teach their children the gift of giving as well as receiving (funny how they master that receiving thing so early in life).
We recommend ditching their lists for a day and taking your children gift shopping for someone else. This time the gift (new, non-violent, unwrapped, please) will go to a child less fortunate who lives with mom in one of the many women’s shelters across the GTA.
This gift will then be your ticket to The Toronto Toy Tea, one of the most popular fundraising events of the season (ladies only, except for Santa), to be held on Wednesday, December 7th. Last year, the Toy Tea organizing committee gathered thousands of toys for the 1500 children of battered women in 14 different shelters benefiting from the event.
You will be greeted at the door by Santa and offered Starbucks coffee, Capitol tea and yummy treats (thanks to generous caterers like Gillian Talacko, dish catering and Rahier Patisserie) all day long .
At 11 am, the girls from St. Clement’s Junior School will sing carols and at 10 am & 1 pm a winter wear fashion show courtesy of Sign of the Skier and Lileo will be hosted by Gayle MacDonald of Globe and Mail fame.
Take your kids to the toy store. Teach them the art of giving and help them keep the dream alive for someone else. Then take yourself to the Toronto Toy Tea and enjoy the spirit of the season.
P.S. Can’t make it? You can still send a gift by choosing one from Mastermind Toys and calling 1 888 388 0000 to place your order. Please mention the Toronto Toy Tea – you will not be charged a delivery fee and your gift will be sent directly to the Toy Tea.
The Toronto Toy Tea
6 Lawrence Crescent
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Good to Know:
Plan on staying longer than you think – it’s lots of fun
Keep in mind that older children live in these shelters too so gifts for all ages are appreciated