Keeping Your Head

Did you know a child’s skull is only one centimetre thick? This means it is critically important to protect your children from head injuries as seemingly minor incidents can cause permanent brain damage.
Kids will recover from scrapes, bruises and even broken bones but head injuries can leave your child with life-long medical issues. Healthy and happy children are active all year round, but what can a parent do to provide them with the best possible protection? Safe Kids Canada wants parents to know that wearing a helmet is the most important line of defence against head injuries.
According to the Think First Foundation of Canada, helmets can reduce the risk of head injury by 88% when they are worn properly. I learned first-hand why safety helmets are critical. While skiing, I turned to answer a call from my son and promptly crashed full speed into a tree. When I regained consciousness, I found I was luckily uninjured but my helmet was shattered. The ski patrol told me that, without it, I probably wouldn’t have survived the accident.
Since then, I have been on a mission to try and reduce the number of preventable head injuries. Accidents may occur whenever people are biking, skating, skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing or riding horses, so it’s paramount to ensure you and your children are wearing the proper equipment. One of the best ways to get kids to wear their helmets is for children to see their parents and caregivers wearing them. Role modeling the behaviour is critical! It’s also important that your child’s safety helmet fits properly, because a helmet that is too loose, too tight or isn’t done up properly is not going to provide the optimum protection.
Making sure your child continues to wear their helmet while engaged in their sport is often difficult. Kids often don’t like wearing a helmet because they are not perceived as ‘cool’. This is where Tail Wags Helmet Covers can help! Tail Wags has over 40 different designs that transform a helmet into something fun to wear. For example, how many little girls dream of becoming a Fairy Princess one day? Boys love the Menacing Monster because it’s gross, green and slimy. Older kids describe their favourite designs as sick—apparently a huge compliment! But the biggest endorsement I have received is from parents who say they are delighted with their Tail Wags helmet covers because their kids finally WANT to wear their safety helmets. In fact, parents have told me time and again that their kids are now wearing their helmets (with their favourite Tail Wags design) to bed, in the car and around the house because it’s become one of their beloved dress-up items. Every time I receive a customer testimonial, it confirms that Tail Wags Helmet Covers are doing their job and successfully helping to reduce the number of preventable head injuries!