Mission Nutrition


It’s not just about playdates, birthday parties and getting Jack and Jill to soccer. Parenting is also about knowing that you are an example to your children and they will learn more from you than anyone else.
So it’s good to stick to the fundamentals from the start. Eat well, be active and feel good about yourself—all important messages to reinforce with our children. But where and how do we start?

Mission Nutrition* is a program developed by registered dieticians to encourage healthy eating, physical activity and positive self-esteem among school-aged children. It’s not surprising that children who develop healthy eating and physical activity patterns will enjoy the health benefits throughout their lives. And guess what? Healthy eating habits start at home!

So to get you started on a healthy routine, or to reinforce what you’re already doing, check out the Mission Nutrition* website. Learn how to plan healthy breakfasts, lunches and snacks, rate meals and make food choices count with healthy shopping tips.

And there’s more to get you started. Enter the Mission Nutrition* Healthy Kitchen Cupboard, Healthy Eating Contest! One lucky family will win a healthy living consultation with a registered dietician right in their own home. The dietician will assess what’s in your cupboards and help maximize your family’s healthy eating habits. She’ll provide quick and tasty recipes for the whole family to enjoy and take you on a $300 healthy eating shopping spree at your local grocery store.

How do you enter? Simply read through the new Fibre Up* Your Family section. Then click the ‘Enter Now!’ button where you’ll be prompted to submit your favourite tip on how you try to get fibre into your family’s diet. It’s that easy! No purchase necessary. Full contest details at missionnutrition.ca.

After all, an education in healthy living will last a lifetime.

*©2010, Trademark of Kellogg Company used under licence by Kellogg Canada Inc.


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