The Nutritional Superfood You Should Be Serving Your Baby

Attention moms—there’s been a big change in the world of baby food.
There’s a new baby food in town that’s got six grams of the highest-quality protein and fourteen essential vitamins and nutrients, contains high levels of Vitamin D, is easy to prepare and cheap to buy.
It’s a baby superfood…and you’ve probably got a dozen or so in your fridge right now.
True, eggs are far from new, but as a baby food they certainly are. Health Canada’s guidelines for introducing eggs to babies have recently changed. Guidelines from Health Canada, The Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada, and the Breastfeeding Committee for Canada now recommend introducing whole eggs starting at six months of age, or as soon as your child starts eating solids.
Why do we consider this breaking news? Well, whole eggs are super high in protein (crucial for muscle development), choline (important for brain development), and Vitamin D (needed for growing healthy and strong bones and teeth). If that wasn’t enough, research shows that introducing whole eggs early can help to lower your baby’s chance of developing egg allergies.
Another thing we love? They’re cheap! They cook up in just minutes, and you can prepare them so many different ways—in fact, we’ve got dozens of recipes and ways to serve eggs to babies. And toddlers. And adults.
So they’re nutritious, inexpensive, quick, versatile, and can help prevent allergies? That settles it. Who came first may still be undecided, but we can say the egg definitely won.
For more information on the new guidelines and ideas on how to incorporate eggs into your baby’s diet, please click here.
This post has been brought to you by The Egg Farmers of Ontario but the opinions are our own.