Olympic Spirit


Although the whole world is interested and excited about the Olympics this winter in BC, it’s probably safe to say that we Canadians already take the prize for the most enthusiastic country. And that’s part of the deal when you get to host.
That Olympic spirit is gaining momentum in many areas of Canada where the Olympic Torch Relay is taking place. There will be some VIP and celebs running with the torch like former Olympians Simon Whitfield and Catriona Le May Doan, as well as First Nations Chiefs, and the Premier of British Columbia (who have all run already). But there will be some ‘regular folk’ doing the bulk of the work, and while their names and faces might not make headlines, their participation is just as important in keeping the flame and the Olympic spirit alive.

SavvyMom is proud to say that our very own Michelle Tice, one of our Vancouver savvy scribes and our social media expert will be running in the relay this winter when the torch comes back to BC. We can’t wait to follow Michelle’s progress and we wish we could be there to cheer her on from the sidelines.

We’ll let you know how it goes for Michelle and in the meantime if you are interested in following the torch, try this link with a map or check out this video for a great introduction to beginning of the relay. The kids might enjoy it too.

Imagine being Chris Wheeler—the guy who is traveling across the country following the torch relay.

Is this your idea of a good job, or not?

Let us know what you think…and look for more Olympics on the SavvyMom blogs in the weeks to come.


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