PC 1% Partly Skimmed Milk
If you’re tired of packing sugary juice boxes in school lunch bags and the kids are getting bored of the overdone flavours, opt for a milky beverage instead. PC 1% Partly Skimmed Milk (available in chocolate, vanilla and plain) is completely shelf stable, allowing you to safely pack it in their lunches or take some on the go. Shelf stable milk or UHT (ultra high temperature) is heated to a much higher temperature than regular milk and sealed in air-tight aseptic packages that preserve freshness for months’it’s common in Europe. In a 200 mL serving, kids will get 20% of their recommended daily calcium intake. So milk it! It’s time for a for a new take on the drink box. ($2.99 for 3 x 200 mL drinking boxes, available at presidentschoice.ca)