Pick of the Week: Baby’s First Hashtag
It’s very rare to laugh out loud when you’re reading a book for babies, especially if you feel you have to read it over and over again. But I couldn’t help but laugh at the title of this new board book for babies, Baby’s First Hashtag, written by Scott Feschuk and Susan Allan.
In todays world, where millennial parents post photos of their newborns on social medial literally seconds after they are born, they are also now raising babies in an entirely different world, with an entire new vernacular, than any generation before (our mothers didn’t breastfeed us while watching Netflix eating a kale salad.) This laugh-out-loud book features 26 immaculate Instagram-worthy photos, accompanied with rhyming couplets for each letter of the alphabet, showing a definite glimpse at the world newborns and toddlers (and us parents!) are now living in.
For each letter of the alphabet, Feschuck and Allen have included rhyming hashtags (hashtag was also not in my vocabulary when I was growing up!) In Baby’s First Hashtag, for example, they write, ‘I’ is for #ink…it starts with just one.’ ‘J is for #juice…let Mom’s dumb cleanse be done!’ (They really do hit the nail on the head aiming to entertain modern parents.) If we can’t laugh at ourselves…
How could you not burst out in giggles when you read, ‘M is for #manbun…somehow trendy still’. ’N’ is for #Netflix…you’re too young to “chill.’” And, just one more, because we don’t want to give away this entire hilarious book, ‘S is for #selfie…one more; don’t be shy! T is for #texts…sent to someone nearby.’
Baby’s First Hashtag is the perfect gift for the new parent in these modern times, where ‘hashtag’ may be baby’s first word, instead of Mama or Dada. So, while your baby may just be able to chew or dribble on this new #book…I’m telling you modern parents that you will be #hooked. #lovedthisbook #gifts #laughing #hashtags
Baby’s First Hashtag costs $12.95 and is published by Douglas & Mcintyre. The book can be found here.