Pick of the Week: Sprout Right Family Food Cookbook

Sprout Right Family Food3

Because we’re always looking for meal ideas to help our little ones thrive, we love a great cookbook. Even better when we can find a cookbook that’s more like a manual, covering important aspects of health and nutrition, but practical, with realistic tips on feeding your family.

When Sprout Right Family Food by Registered Nutritionist Lianne Phillipson came across my desk, I found that it was not only packed with over 130 great recipes for babies, toddlers and the entire family, but it also clearly outlines the building blocks we need as parents to understand what a good diet is, why it’s worth the effort and how to make homemade food that your kids will eat.

With everything from info on nutrients your kids need at every age, to advice on feeding picky eaters and how to make your own dips, snacks, meals and desserts that kids will love, this complete guide has every parent covered.

It’s a fantastic gift for a new parent or parent-to-be and is available now at Indigo, amazon.ca and at sproutright.com.



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