Pumpkin Perfection

We pick ‘em, we carve ‘em, we give them a little light and maybe, just maybe, we might roast some seeds as a snack. What else do you do with a pumpkin?
We at SavvyMom are big fans of the mighty orange orb. So much so that we’ve featured some fantastic recipes on EatSavvy to take advantage of this delish vegetable from our hearty Pumpkin Chili to sweet Pumpkin & Apple Soup. And yes, we even like roasting those seeds as a healthy snack (after all that Halloween candy). But what we really love is the health benefits the pumpkin actually provides.
Aside from being a source of vitamins C & E, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, anti-oxidants, and protein (in the seeds), the pumpkin is actually pretty good at helping other areas of your body as well. In fact, a little pumpkin in your diet can help minimize osteoporosis, lower cholesterol and benefit your kidney, bladder and digestive system.
However, just cutting up one of those jack-o-lantern giants and putting it on the stove isn’t the way to go (although save those seeds for roasting). When you’re looking to get cooking with pumpkin, you want to look for the smaller versions (also known as pie pumpkins). You can find the canned version of pumpkin if you’re looking for an easier method, but keep in mind not to mistake it with pumpkin pie filling in a can.
You can also find pumpkin butter in various stores (which makes for a delicious replacement for peanut or apple butter). Pumpkin is also a great ingredient in pasta sauces or risotto.
When it comes to the pumpkin, we sure know ‘jack.’
How do you like to eat pumpkin?