Saving Your Strawberries


Sometime in the next three or four weeks I’m hoping we’ll be able to load up the car and head out for our annual strawberry picking excursion.
I absolutely love this fruity season, and whether I’m buying mine directly from the farm, at the market or in the store, I always find that as soon as I walk in the door with my bundle of berries, they begin to ripen.

Since they’re so expensive and not in season for very long, I try my best to store and wash them properly in order to maximize their longevity. Here are some tips on what works well for me:

  1. Keep berries in a container that has holes or vents (colander or the plastic container they come in at the store). This will allow the air to circulate and ensure the berries stay fresh.
  2. If it’s humid in your home or fridge, place your berry container in a loosely closed brown paper bag to protect the fruit. Humidity can cause berries to spoil quickly.
  3. Never wash the berries before you are ready to eat them. In order to remove the dirt prior to serving, place the berries in a large bowl of fresh, cold water
    and gently toss them around to remove the dirt particles.
  4. Remove the berries gently by hand and place them on a towel-lined plate or tray and allow them to dry.
  5. Be careful with handling the berries so they don’t bruise, and don’t leave them in the water too long or they will get waterlogged.
  6. Trim the hulls only prior to serving, cutting as close to the leaves as possible.

Wondering how to use up your berries? Check out these great SavvyMom recipes:
Sweet Summer Berries
Ice Cream with Summer Berry Drizzle
Fruity Spinach Salad


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