The Secret to Surviving the Change to Daylight Savings Time

Here’s one more secret nobody tells you about being a parent until you’re in the club: that extra hour of sleep you used to enjoy every fall on the end of daylight savings time weekend is now actually one less hour of sleep. This weekend, thanks to the change to daylight savings time, instead of enjoying an extra hour of sleep in the morning, your baby woke you up Sunday morning an hour earlier than she already does. It’s not her fault, she’s confused with the time change.
This small, one hour change in time can result in huge sleep disturbances for sleep obsessed families who have small children and it can last for weeks. While some parents welcome the change in time because if their child goes to bed late, they can take advantage of the opportunity to get them to bed earlier. But it can also mean tough times for the parents of early risers. If your child is an early riser, you might have to be firm and have them go back to sleep.
To make the time change easier and help avoid bedtime chaos, here are the top five tips for an easier transition, according to the experts.
5 Tips for Surviving the Change to Daylight Savings Time
1. Preparing is key.
Start your transition early. Add ten or fifteen minutes a day as soon as you can before the clocks change, so that when they do, your family has already adjusted. It’s not too late to start that after the time change if you’re struggling.
2. Keep naptime constant.
To keep your little one on track, maintain your naptime schedule. If your child typically naps at 2 pm, following the time change and make sure she still takes her nap at 2 pm.
Follow your routine.
Just because the time changes, doesn’t mean your routine does. If your child takes a bath, gets a story and then some cuddles before bed, maintain that routine.
Do your best.
If your little one can’t seem to stay up later than an additional 20 minutes, that is okay. The transition will happen, just a slowler than you might like.
Accept the process.
Your child may have no difficulty with the time change or may take a couple of weeks. Accept that and don’t rush your little one. He will adjust.
Remember they are just children and don’t understand time changes. But you do, so be smart and make sure you put yourself to bed earlier if you’re concerned about having to wake up an hour earlier.
Good luck!