The Tray Memory Game

how to play the tray memory game with kids

Find a selection of interesting small objects, arrange them on a tray and cover with a tea-towel. Vary the number and type of objects according to the ages of your children. Give each child a pencil and paper and ask them to write their name at the top.

Uncover the tray and place it where all children can see it. Give the children a few minutes to memorize the contents of the tray, then cover it up again.

Variation 1:
Ask the children to write down all of the objects that they can remember.

Variation 2:
Take the tray away and remove one or two objects. Replace it and ask the children to write down the objects which are missing.

Good Idea:
Make some of the objects on the tray the prize for the winners.

Select the types of objects according to the season or theme of the party (i.e. birthday, Valentine’s Day, etc.).


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