Biking and Eating

It feels like we always have another weekend to plan for. Don’t crack under pressure though—we’ve got some al-fresco fun and fantastic food ideas to feed your family’s sunshine fever.
Regardless of whether you’re celebrating or not this weekend, you’ll need some activities, and a bit of outdoor biking is an essential ingredient in any spring long weekend. Whether your kids are novices on run bikes, riding with training wheels or proficient two-wheelers, some key factors can make or break the outing, including: easy access, flat trails, and car-free paths. Great scenery can help too, especially for entertaining any non-bikers who tag along.
Depending on where you live, our top picks for a family bike ride are Jericho Beach to Spanish Banks on Vancouver’s west side, the West Dyke Trail in Richmond or the Seymour Demonstration Forest on the North Shore. Of course, there are a few caveats with all of these locations—only leashed dogs are allowed on most trails, no dogs are allowed on the paved Seymour Valley Trailway and there are a few hills to contend with along this North Shore route as well. All of these parks can get busy, especially on sunny afternoons, but they’re still sure to be troop-pleasers. Remember to pack a snack, as there are plenty of picnic tables en route.