What an Award!


If you’ve ever developed a website, you’ll know that they are a lot like babies. You think working on them is a tough, never-ending task and you just can’t wait for the site to go live so the development stage is over (kind of like being pregnant). But as moms know, being pregnant is often a lot easier than being a mom of a newborn, with all the care and feeding requirements that you are suddenly solely responsible for. And the funny thing is the same thing happens with websites.
Once you ‘give birth’ to the site and unveil it to the world, suddenly you start getting users, people other than you, who are interacting with your site. And then they have questions or send in forms…all of which mean you get busy responding to all that. And just when you thought you couldn’t be busier than you were in the development (pregnancy) stage, you’re wrong!

And this class situation has been my lot this past week. For 10 straight days I was heads-down, iPod on in my office, up late and back up again early, as we cranked through the final stage of development of the site for the 2010 SavvyMom Mom Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Yesterday, we officially launched the program, and I thought I could take a bit of a break…but I was wrong. We’ve been so busy with inquiries and reviewing nominations and making final tweaks to the site, that I realize there won’t be a break for a little while longer.

But it’s all good news because it means lots of mom entrepreneurs out there are hearing about the contest and nominating themselves, and from the level of the new comments being submitted, it looks like there are lots and lots of voters out there, too.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to www.momentrepreneuraward.com and nominate yourself, or vote for a superstar mom entrepreneur.

As for me, I am hoping for a work-free weekend this weekend. But while you’re on the site, do let me know if you see anything that needs to be fixed.


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