
7 Homemade Gifts from Our Kitchen

Handmade gifts from the kitchen are some of the best presents to giveā€”and receive! So this month we’re putting together pretty packages of our favourite homemade edibles in this collection of easy-to-make items. Offer everyone on your holiday shopping list the very best of the season, along with something delicious and straight from the heart.

7 Mini Meals Made for Toddlers

Got a toddler who’s a picky eater? We’ve got the solution with these mini-meals, perfect for tots.

9 Ways to Refuel

Now that you have a full arsenal of new breakfast recipes (no need to thank us), we think you’re ready…

26 Breakfasts Kids Will Eat

Mornings can be torturous enough without a reminder that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But seriously, it is. Take a deep breath and some inspiration from these 26 Best Breakfast Recipes for Kids.

Breakfasts of Champions: 12 Kid-Friendly Speedy Recipes

17 Kid-Friendly Breakfast Recipes

You’ve only got about 180 school day breakfasts to serve up in a rush this year. But don’t sweat it yetā€”we asked our team of savvy bloggers to share their favourite healthy breakfast and snack ideas, and they delivered with 17 fresh and healthy meals designed to make mornings easy. These healthy breakfasts are all homemade, but if you make them ahead, you’ll get through the morning rush with ease. There’s one month doneā€¦

Lunch Packing

10 Quick and Easy School Lunch Recipes

Your mom mission for the next ten months: pack a trade-proof nutritious school lunch every day. Sounds daunting, but luckily we have 10 quick and easy recipes to help make the chore a simple one to complete.

10 Back-to-School Snacks and Lunches

Your kids will be pleasantly surprised to open their lunch pail to find one of these 10 lunches and snacks. Find out more.

Picky Eater Hacks

Only eats noodles. Won’t touch vegetables. Squirms at the thought of meat. Subsists on air and milk. We know that it’s tough managing a picky eater. No worries, we’ve got a few new ideas, tips and tools to add to your picky eating arsenal. Because when they’re hungry enough they’ll eat anythingā€”ha. As if.

50 Easy Summer Entertaining Ideas

The key to enjoying family and friends all summer long is with simple entertaining solutions, and we have 50 of them. Find out more.